The E-Blast. E-mailed every week, usually on Friday, and provides brief, current news, announcements, and updates.
Submissions due by NOON on Wednesday. Send to

The Monthly Newsletter. More in-depth, published every month of the year.  Here you’ll find a letter from our minister to the congregation, what’s coming up in R.E./Adult Ed, and Music, along with news, events, announcements for the coming month (and beyond!).
Submissions due by the 15th of the preceding month (with some leeway, please let us know if you will be late).  Send to

To sign up for our newsletters above, go to sign-up

– Learn about who we are as UUs, and find answers to FAQs.
– Read about our Accessibility and UAIM Program, and who to contact for more info.
The current E-Blast, which includes the Order of Service. Posted on Friday evenings (usually).
The Monthly Newsletter (plus links to past Newsletters)
– Info on Religious Education and Adult R.E., how to get involved, and become a member and pay your pledge.
Sermons and Services archive.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Email us at


Board of Trustees – You can be in touch with the BoT via email, attend board meetings in person or via Zoom, and see the Current Board of Trustees members on the website HERE.

We have a Religious Education/Welcome Table in the Parish Hall on Sundays.

Announcements are made near the beginning of the church service on Sundays.

Facebook Pages for our Church in general HERE, for Religious Education HERE.