The overall purpose of the Fixed Assets Advisory Committee is to assure, regularly and in a predictable way, the integrity of the Church’s building and grounds. This work includes:

  • working closely with professional and volunteer staff to develop recommendations to the Board concerning the results of assessing the condition of the Church’s building and grounds;
  • evaluating, planning and recommending strategies to the Board for handling the need for major repairs and improvements to the Church’s building and grounds, including, as examples, the roof and the heating system
  • updating the Board’s awareness of changes to local zoning and other regulations
  • evaluating and negotiating contracts with third parties for larger projects, subject to Board approval
  • working with the Minister or the Minister’s delegate to execute projects, including scheduling, overseeing, evaluating, and finalizing work, as necessary


David Quackenbush, Chairperson

William Botsford

Tom Muka
Greg Harris

Judy Kieffer


As needed.

Our Vision
We gather in loving community, creating a shared vision of compassion and dignity for all,
to radically transform the world in which we live.
695 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222
Sunday Services are at 10:30