The Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo boasts an exceptional music program that stands as a vibrant testament to the power of harmony and community. Through innovative initiatives like MUUsic Weekends and the Casual Concert series, our church has become a hub for musical expression, bringing together individuals with a shared passion for diverse genres and styles. The Sotto Voce Operas add a touch of sophistication, captivating audiences with breathtaking performances that blend drama and musical finesse. Our talented choir, accompanied by skilled performing musicians, elevates our worship services to transcendent heights, creating an atmosphere where the spirit of unity resonates through every note. The music program at the Unitarian Universalist Church is not just an artistic endeavor but a celebration of diversity, inclusivity, and the profound joy that music brings to our collective soul.

Jessie Downs, Music Director

Jessie Downs brings a wealth of musical expertise honed under the guidance of her mentor, Franco Bertacci, alongside luminaries such as Franco Corelli and master pedagogue Cornelius Reid. Grounded in the rich traditions of bel canto, Jessie's teaching philosophy centers on revealing the unique sound of each student's instrument through exercises that enhance vocal strength and agility. Her commitment to preserving the authentic qualities of musical expression extends beyond opera, positioning Jessie as an advocate for musical distinctiveness. In her role as the director of the church choir and a collaborator on the Casual Concert series, Jessie brings a versatile approach to musical direction. She is also the visionary behind Sotto Voce, a collectively run musical company that she hosts at the church, showcasing her commitment to diverse musical experiences. Jessie's focus on the power and richness of the voice transcends specific genres, aiming to create immersive musical experiences that resonate with the congregation's souls. Her dedication to fostering safe, communal spaces aligns with her belief that artists can reach their full brilliance in a supportive environment. With a profound understanding of musical intricacies and a commitment to transformative musical experiences, Jessie's diverse background makes her an exceptional asset to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo.