Our church is a member organization of VOICE Buffalo.  Founded in 1996 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, VOICE-Buffalo is an interracial, urban-suburban coalition of 66 faith-based congregations and communities, business and labor organizations of Buffalo and Erie County.

VOICE draws together people of many faith traditions, denominations and income levels to act powerfully on local, regional, state and national issues of justice and equality through community-building negotiation with decision makers, and direct action.

​VOICE Supports its members through congregational and leadership development, in addition to engagement in direct action within their own neighborhoods.  In cooperation with a wide range of other groups in the region, VOICE brings the pwer of our shared faith-values into the public arena in order to shape the decisions that affect the quality of life throughout Erie County.

Our hope for the future lies not in faith in our elected representatives but in the grassroots holding our decision-makers truly accountable. As people of faith, we must participate in a form of democracy in which every voice is heard as we work together to set a moral compass. VOICE is the local organization which is trying to harness the power of community organizing and reclaim a true democracy.

Our Vision
We gather in loving community, creating a shared vision of compassion and dignity for all,
to radically transform the world in which we live.
695 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo, NY 14222
Sunday Services are at 10:30