There are several ways in which you can financially support our operations. Please choose from the dropdown below to give.

Thank you for supporting the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo! We've switched to Zeffy for processing donations so that 100% of your contribution goes straight to the cause you care about. Zeffy suggests a donation to their platform, usually 15%, to cover processing fees, but you have the choice to set that suggested donation to $0.00 (under Confirm your donation) if you prefer. Your support makes a direct impact, and we appreciate your generosity!

Please note that you can make this gift in memory or honor of someone by clicking the box below country on the Endowment form.

Other ways to donate:

Cash or check

Drop by the office or send to:
Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo
695 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222

Please write “Pledge,”“Share the Plate,” or "Endowment Fund" on the memo line.

Stock Donations

If you are considering donating stocks, you will first need to fill out the form click here

You will then need to authorize and initiate the transfer with your broker. Instruct your transfer agent or investment company to do the following:

Deliver the gifted stock electronically to US Bank N.A. Into Account: 6728029094 Account Name: The Unitarian Universalist Assn. Gifted Securities Account
Tax ID: 04-2103733
DTC: 2803

Receiving agent is:
Adrienne Lindsey
Investment Services Account Manager
US Bank Wealth Management
Direct: (215) 761-9335
Fax: (215) 761-9414


We are grateful for your offering!


NOTE: AmazonSmile was shut-down as of February 20, 2023. Thanks to all of you who donated via this link.