Women's Society
Founded 150 years ago to promote fellowship and cooperation among our members and to sustain interest in Unitarian Universalist ideals, the Society remains a vital, active force in the contemporary life of the church. Membership in the Society is open to all and is gender-neutral. Dues are $25 per year, but membership is not necessary to participate in our activities and programs.
Our Speaker/Luncheon Series programs are diverse, stimulating, and interesting, ranging from musical entertainment to lectures from well-known local authors and academics, to presentations on area issues and civic concerns. Presenters are knowledgeable, personable, and enjoyable. Additionally, the Society organizes two outings each year: The Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, Canada, and one other to a local site of interest to our membership. See announcements of upcoming events in the E-Blast (weekly newsletter) and the Monthly Newsletter.
Memorial Receptions
A Memorial Service Reception may be available in our Parish Hall to UUCB members for a nominal fee.